Grumpies (Men's Shed)
Like other Men’s Sheds, the aim of Grumpies is to build supportive relationships through men working together.
Each week about 20 men gather for about three hours and undertake small projects. While working alongside each other and over morning tea, the men talk about the joys and struggles of their lives, providing mutual support.
Collecting firewood from farms and cutting and splitting the logs, allows the Grumpies to generate some income through sales. This then becomes the seed money to undertake other projects and enjoy some nice lunches together. Helping others is a key objective of Grumpies.
The Grumpies regularly volunteer to assist other charities such as Operation Christmas Child and Operation Flinders at the Edwardstown depot and at the centre of operations in the northern Flinders.
The Grumpies shed is well equipped for woodwork and metal work construction.
Grumpies is a member of The Australian Men’s Shed Association.